Worlds first digital hydraulic crane winchOn November 18, DIGIWIN project partners gathered to experience a major milestone in the project. A 25t test winch with digital...
DIGIWIN web is liveThe DIGIWIN homepage was launched on December 15. It will be updated on a regular basis with news about the DIGIWIN project. Everyone...
Diinef at DFP17On September 7, Diinef presented the unique digital motor technology at the 9th Workshop on Digital Fluid Power (DFP17) in Aalborg,...
Worlds first digital HTLS motor at Norshipping 2017Imenco Bauer Hydaulics and Diinef launched the worlds first digital high torque low speed hydraulic motor at Norshipping 2017. The motor...
MacGregor Granted Maroff support for DIGIWIN projectMacGregor Norway AS has been rewarded research counsil support for the project "Development of cost and energy efficient digital...
Diinef and Imenco Bauer Hydraulics demonstrate digital motor technologyDuring the month of October, Diinef and Imenco Bauer Hydraulics demonstrated the use of digital motortechnology applied to Bauer high...